Inspired by the iconic animated series The Simpsons, comes the officially licensed toys and collectibles by JAKKS Pacific. Immerse yourself in Springfield with the 5” action figures. Each figure is approximately 5" tall and features 14 points of articulation to pose and play. Every figure includes an accessory providing endless opportunities to recreate all your favorite moments from the show. Perfect for fans and collectors, this 5” figure wave has remarkable detail and fun, engaging features. Collect the full range of The Simpsons toys and collectibles by JAKKS Pacific. For Ages 4 .
- OFFICIALLY LICENSED: Each figure stands approximately 5” tall and features a highly detailed design, capturing their animated look and feel.
- POSEABLE: All figures have 14 points of articulation for dynamic poses and play.
- FUN ACCESSORIES: Each figure includes a fun accessory for imaginative play and fun.
- COLLECT THEM ALL: Collect the full range of figures and accessories inspired by The Simpsons with this 5” Figure series by JAKKS Pacific. Perfect for any Simpsons fan or collector.